michelle asks :

I had a good relationship with my man, we were supposed to get married but I pulled out. I didn't know why at the time but now I realise I have feelings for someone else.
It’s breaking our relationship. The other person pushes for me to be with them but I'm so confused.

Yin replies

Take a huge positive out of this situation - however confused you’re feeling, you haven’t walked down the aisle with this guy and signed away your heart and life to a man you’re not sure you love.
As for this other guy, if he’s pushing you in to splitting up, don’t take it as a negative, he’s obviously nuts about you and doesn’t want to risk losing you - but maybe he needs to know he’s pushing you too much.
If you’ve already decided you don’t want to marry this other guy, what’s stopping you from walking away?
You’ve even acknowledged that it’s your feelings for the other guy that made you take action, so maybe you’re just afraid that you’re jumping too soon.
Why not give yourself some time tell your ex fiancé you need time to work out what you really want, and find out whether or not you just want to be partners.
Not everyone is happy to get married but might be content to live with a partner for the long term - maybe this is you?

Yang replies

You’re confused or you want everything but can’t have it? You like the attention of this other guy and fancy him but when it comes to it, you aren’t sure you want to give it all up and run away with him?
You can’t have it all. Decide what and who you want and then stick to it; don’t look back. You’ll leave yourself in a complete mess and may face losing both of them if you don’t stick to your guns. Who wants to be with someone if they always think they might lose them to someone else?

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