xxx asks :

I have always had inverted nipples, not even stimulation has drawn them out. I am self-conscious about it and it is affecting me because I’m afraid to get a boyfriend incase I have the micky taken out of me.

I know there are lots of women out there that have them but on the chat sites they all say that stimulation brings them out and mine doesn’t.

There are lots of tips but I’m not willing to have surgery or have them pierced do guys really care about them or am I over-reacting?

Yin replies

Plenty of women suffer from a lack of confidence in the bedroom because they feel that unresponsive nipples will make it look as though they aren’t turned on.

Being afraid to get a boyfriend so that you can avoid putting yourself in this situation is understandable – but bear in mind that there are so many women out there with this problem that chances are, any boyfriend you have will have come across it before or could even have his own insecurities.

And consider this, there are also plenty of women who have nipples that are permanently erect or just flat, who don’t want their breasts or nipples caressed because the area is just too sensitive.

What you’re comfortable with is down to you to convey to a boyfriend and communication is the surest way to achieve satisfaction and to feel confident.

Yang replies

You’re over-thinking but not over-reacting.

It’s your brain that makes you find something such as having your nipples rubbed sexually arousing, and some women will never feel that way and so will never find that any stimulation works.

Some guys will care about them; some won’t but if you get as far as being intimate with someone, you’d hope that you’d trust them enough to just be happy to explore all parts of your body. Certainly don’t start apologising for them or anything.

Chances are it will go unnoticed or you’ll be so turned on in other ways that it’ll be the last thing on your mind. Feeling uptight will prevent you from getting any pleasure, anywhere and that will be more of an issue for any boyfriend.

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