Laura asks :

I'm thirteen (fourteen next year) and many of the girls in my year have started their periods. i havent. i am worried and don't know whether this is normal. should i be worried?

Yin replies

No you have nothing at all to be worried about.

Girls can begin menstruation anywhere between the ages of puberty and people develop at different times.

If your mum didn't start her periods until late, then the chances are that you won't either.

Don't get stressed about it though. Even though you might be feeling like the odd one out, there will be more people in your situation than you realise.

People are known not to start their periods until late teens such as 17, 18 years old. Everyone's different.

Yang replies

Whether some people have or not, it doesn't mean that you should have.

Starting your period is the same as growing breasts and other changes that happen in puberty.

They happen at different times for everyone. If you are really worried then go to your GP and talk to him/her about it, but to be honest, at 13,

I wouldn't worry too much.

Just forget about it and wait for it to come when you're least expecting it.

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