Punit Kumar asks :

How to get success in rest of my life? Since last 48 years of my life I found myself very unlucky or unsuccessfull in life.

Yin replies

Success is a lot about mind-set and if you think that you have not been successful, that you are not now and that you will never be, then you will likely not think you have achieved anything. It is about a state of mind, success can be measured in big things like having your own company or a flashy car, but I can also be measured in small things such as having someone to love and who loves you and having a roof over your head. 

Yang replies

Try to focus on the things you have achieved in your life, write a list of everything starting with small things, such as independence, or a  job or a friend and work it up to the large things you have got in your life. You will be surprised at how much you have going for you. Write a list of goals down that you want to achieve before you are say 55 and put plans in place to achieve them. Make realistic goals however, if your goals are too big then you may not achieve them and feel disappointed. Everyone has a purpose you have just not realised yours yet, but after a little frank taking to yourself you will see that you are a worthy person and have something to offer. As soon as you start to feel more confident then people will be drawn to you.

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