Zoe asks :

I feel so distant to all my friends and i cant figure out why. i try to be involved and i do go out with them regularly but i feel like im on the side like no one wants to talk to me and it like i cant get them to either. I try to invite them out and no one replys to me i get my boyfriend to ask them the same thing and he gets answers. I dont get it? what i have i done wrong? and now i just feel lonely and miserable i dont get it? and i dont know what to do help me :(

Yin replies

Chances are you have done nothing wrong. Young people blow hot and cold with their friends it’s in their nature to. It’s only when we get older that we are much more loyal to our friends because we have had a bit of life experience and can see who are really our friends and who aren’t. Don’t take it to heart.

If they are not making an effort with you and you are with them then it’s not worth your time. It is all about give and take and if you are asking them out and they are choosing to to reply then that is their loss. 

Yang replies

How long have you been with your boyfriend? Sometimes, girls particularly, can get jealous if you are dating and they aren’t. They feel threatened by you and so back off. Are you going out with someone that is popular and the centre of attention for a lot of girls in the school? This would explain why they are responding to him and not to you.

If they are being like this, perhaps spend some time with your man and enjoy that while they sort themselves out. They will probably get over whatever it is that they are going through and it will be ok in a little while. If it persists try talking to them. Ask them why they don’t engage with you any more like they used to.  If they don’t have the decency to tell you then move on and find some friends who will be honest with you about their feelings.

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