Rachel asks :

Hi Lucy,

There is this guy who I think likes me. Whenever he sees me his face lightens up and he blushes. I gather he is a rather shy guy so I don't know if I am looking at it in the wrong way or not. I have feelings for him, he is a nice looking guy and very cute when he does blush. One day when I turned round I saw him looking at me and we locked eyes with each other. I don't want to make myself look a fool as I have a tendency to be a bit on the shy side myself.


Hi Rachel,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Blushing can be a sign that someone likes you as can a change in facial expression or eye contact- people have less control over these things than they do what comes out of their mouth. They are the most accurate portrayal of what's going on inside.

If you like him then you might have to be the one to make the move here as it sounds like he may be the shier one of you both.

It seems you have two options- be bold and ask him out or don't and wonder if you could have been. It's up to you if you want to take the chance or not but often we regret the things we don't do. It might be worth finding out of there is anything in this for you both. You could wait for him to ask you but he may not find the courage to do so.

If you're really unsure then perhaps just try and spend some more time together as friends and you may be able to gauge from that whether you are best off as mates or you want to try for something more.

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