Girl asks :

Hi Lucy,

I've been in love with the same boy for 5. Years and he's always very flirty and sometimes says he loves me, but it’s never been in a serious situation. I don't know if to tell him or how I'm going to do it. And as much as I've tried to move on I just can't. HELP

Our Reply

Hi there, thanks for getting in touch!

It may have been that long that you are in the friend zone and the love he has for you is platonic, which is why it comes up in jest. Or it could be that he is trying to test the waters by saying it to you to gauge you reaction. The only way you will rest easy is to ask the question. I know it can seem daunting, but its either that or you could be hanging on for another five years still not knowing whether it could go any further, at which point you will have fallen further into the friend zone. If moving on is impossible now, it’s not going to get any easier down the line.

Why not invite him out for a date and talk to him about it. If you have been friends for as long as you have, then going out by yourself should be nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps don’t open with your love for him, just that when he tells you he loves you it confuses you and only to say it if he means it. This might prompt him into saying that he will stop or that he means it and doesn’t want to stop saying it. Your friendship with him is also distracting you from other men, so why not jokingly bring this up into conversation and see how he takes it. If he is thinking the same as you then he will realise what you are doing and hopefully take the opportunity to act on it!

Good luck,

Lucy x 

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