Sinead asks :

Hi Lucy,

Yesterday my Boyfriend (24) told me he has suffered from depression since he was a teenager and has never told anyone. It comes and goes. We talked about how he feels and I assured him that he can get help for this and be ok. I really tried to encourage him to seek medical help. I just want to know how I can be there to support him. What is it that helps people who are feeling low? Thanks in advance for any advice.


Hi Sinead,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

It sounds like this was a very difficult thing for him to tell you, if he has never told anyone before. The first step is often on of the hardest, so he has made progress by just telling you he's in a fragile place right now and has been for a while.

Encouraging him to seek professional support is one of the most productive things you can do, so he can talk to someone who is impartial and can take him right back to the routes of his depression.

I would suggest another helpful thing you can do for him is to listen, without judgement. You have gained his trust enough for him to tell you that he is depressed, which might be enough for now. That said, he may want to talk about things further, so be a sounding board for him when he needs you.

Perhaps the reason he has been depressed for so long is because he hasn't felt able to talk to someone about his thoughts. If he gains his confidence talking to you then the natural progression might be to see a professional. However if he can see a medical professional and talk to you- then he will be getting support at home and away.

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