Sophie asks :

Hello Lucy :)

I met a guy just over a week ago, he added me on Facebook and started talking to me, he rang me that night and we chatted the next day he invited me over to his house and introduced me to his mum sister and all his friends which put me off a little because it seemed like he was too keen and going too fast I stayed over at his that night an sexual things happened aha.. then he asked me to stay the next night as well but I said no because I thought it was going too fast and he got annoyed with me, he ignored me for a day and didn’t reply to my texts, which made me like him more, because I usually only want things I can’t have! the night after that he was supposed to pick me up at 7 but he never did or never got in touch so I went out with my friends then he rang me at 10 saying he had fainted and that’s why he didn’t come,, but asked me to stay the next night so I did, where we went to his dads house for a while where he introduced me to his dad then went back to his house, think I was more into him that night than he was to me even though he was been so lovely still, the next day when I got home he texted me saying he enjoyed the night and enjoyed my company when I replied he hasn’t replied for 2 days and I don’t think he is going to. The thing is he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago who he was/ is completely in love with, so I figured I should put the ignoring me down to that he needs some space. I just don’t understand why he would introduce me to his entire family etc. then just ditch me because he wouldn’t have done that if he was using me? I’m just so confused don’t know if he likes me or not as I really do like him, please help, any advice would be very much appreciated, thank you very much, Sophie.

Our Reply

Hi Sophie,

Guys use many diffident ways of wooing women that make them believe that they are not only after one thing. Introducing you to his parents might have been of those ways.

The fact that he ignored you after you denied of him of staying the night might suggest that he only wanted to have sex with you and that’s it. Many women like you admit, are attracted to men who play hard to get, you are not alone, but try to think about your own self-worth and what you want from a relationship in terms of pace.

If he was that interested in you then he would have made bigger effort to stay in touch. If you were to have a relationship with him would you be able to stand not hearing from him for a couple of days because this could be a snapshot of what he is like in relationship.

If you think he is not over his previous girlfriend either then it might worth leaving well alone as you could end up setting yourself up to get hurt if he decides that he wants to get back together with her. Especially if he was in love with her, a month is not long to get over one relationship and enter into another. 

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