Mimi asks :

Dear Lucy,

I really need your help. I'm so bored. All my friends play teams sports and I hardly ever see them because they are always practising. The trouble is I hate these kinds of sports. What can I do in my spare time to stop becoming bored?

Our Reply

Hi Mimi,

There is always the temptation to feel left out when you are not interested in the same things your friends are. However, if you make sure that you see them outside of their practices then you should still be in with the click! Be prepared that they will talk about their joint activities, but it doesn’t have to take over the whole conversation.

There are so many things that you could do in your spare time- reading, writing, going to the cinema, watching TV, cooking, learning to play an instrument. There might be some non-physical groups that you could join for instance, like a book club or band. Whether you want something to do on your own or something to do as part of a group there is lots of things out there to fill in your time and you never know you might find some new friends to add to your circle who like the same things you do.

The point is to find something that you are passionate about or it won’t feel like a hobby it will feel forced and you won’t look forward to it. The good thing is when you do meet up with your friends you don’t know what they have been up to and vice versa so will have lots to talk about rather than going over old stories that the rest of them will share!


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