jayde hewitt asks :

im 26 weekas pregant and have serve pains in my upper stomach on the right hand side what could this be

Yin replies

It could be a number of things; by this time you will be experiencing frequent Braxton Hicks contractions which are a bit like menstrual cramps. You might also feel the urge to go to the bathroom all the time and have a lie down.


A lot of women have pains under their ribs when the baby kicks and stretches inside the uterus. If you change positions you might be able to ease the pain little bit.


Back pain is common as you carry the extra weight as most women gain about 20 pounds plus which will fluctuate because of water retention. 

Yang replies

I would contact the doctor just to put your mind at ease if it is normal then at least you can relax and try other methods to ease your pain but it is best to know either way. Try to get a much rest as possible as headaches, leg, foot, pelvic, back and chest pains are to be expected at this stage.


If you drink a lot and do some light exercises this can often reduce dehydration, fatigue, constipation, dizziness and swelling. 

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