Jenna asks :

So I started college this year, and there's a guy I really like in all my classes. I do some pretty niche subjects and the classes are small, so everyone got to know each other pretty quickly. We talk a lot, but always about school related things and other academic issues (we're both massive nerds). He tells me plenty of personal stuff and listens too. He sometimes even talks me up to his friends and teases me a little around them as well. I have caught him staring once or twice, but that could just be him, he's pretty intense. The thing is, some days he pays me plenty of attention, but other days we just say a few words to each other. I'm completely smitten and have absolutely no idea how he feels! I worry he's too good for me, and that he's not interested at all. The distraction and anticipation are killing me. Help, please? I mean, I don't want to tell him because it's still early days, how else can I tell how he feels?

Yin replies

Why not suggest going out with him on your own to get coffee or out for tea? That is a message that you want to spend time with him on his own and shows him that you value your moments together. If you do this often things might naturally happen between you two, but also you might get into a place where you can feel comfortable talking more openly about your feelings for him.


Yang replies

The attention that he pays you could be down to lots of things, it may be that he is trying to put on a front to his friends so they don’t tease him- hence why he teases you so the focus is off him.  It could be that because you like him and trying to gauge how he feels for you that you are looking too much into every interaction you have with him. Relax and enjoy it when you do have some quality time together and if not- well you can look forward to the next time you do. Guys are pretty simple creatures and don’t often try and fog things over with double meanings, many of their changes in behaviour are result of what other people will think, especially other men!

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