joanne asks :

I have this friend. weve been best friends for about 7 years now and and id do anything for her. but recently everything she does has been annoying, everything she says and does makes me want to punch her. i dont want to do this but shes just so irritating. and i dont know what to do. she keeps giggiling and is sucha girly girl. its making me depressed. any advice?

Yin replies

Friendships evolve all the time. One day someone can be your best friend and them something comes along and we see them in another light.

It is normal to drift apart from friends we were close to when we were younger.  Perhaps you need to talk to her and let her know that she has changed? It may be that she has done it to fit in with another crowd. Assure her that you got on with her better when she was like how she was before and perhaps she will revert back to the girl you are used to, if she is putting on an act. 

Yang replies

If not, it may be that you need to dial back your friendship a bit. Maybe spending too much time with her is the problem. If you see her less, her habits and idiosyncrasies might not affect you so badly. 

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