Roms asks :

Hi Lucy,

I am in a live-in relationship with a married man 6 years younger than my father and 24 years older than me. He has been married for 25 years and has a child who he loves a lot. He loves his wife a lot but he loves me more than his wife. He does not believe that a guy can be in love with two separate females at the same time. But he doesn’t have an answer for how he has come to be in love with two females at the same time. We have been together for the last one and a half years. Does he really love me or just using me?

Our Reply

Hi Roms,

Usually, people who love two people have a preference for one over the other, it is impossible to love two people equally in a romantic relationship. The odds are too slim- as it’s so hard to find one person to love.

He tells you he loves you more than his wife but his behaviour and unwillingness to do anything about it would suggest otherwise. He says he doesn’t believe that it can happen but can’t explain why it has. He is a contradiction with his feelings, which probably means he hasn’t made up his mind or is stalling.

From his point of view he has it all; a wife, child and a mistress. If he keeps telling you that he loves you most, it sounds like you stay by him- perhaps like you have done for one and a half years.

I would suggest breaking free and finding someone who wants you and only you. It never feels good having your partner’s affections split. Every woman deserves a whole love not just in parts.

If you do stay and he leaves his wife things could get really messy and you will be seen as the cause of it all. Do you really want to be involved in that? Why not make it your new year’s resolution to find a new man- one who is willing to devote everything to you not just half of his life.

Lucy x 

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