Carolina asks :

Hello Lucy,


This year I'll decide which route to take, my dream is to follow the art world, but then I cannot get a job, and I'm afraid of that. Also I would like to be a psychologist, but this is not my dream. I wanted to know your opinion; arts to follow my dream or choose to be a psychologist and get a normal job?

Our Reply

Hi Carolina,


If you are selecting your options, then usually you have a choice of four subjects to take, so you could do both and make your decision once you have studied them both further. It might be worth not putting all your eggs in one basket at this early stage until you have experienced a little more of each of them.


If you are determined enough in any field then you will find a job- it’s those who go into something half-heartedly that usually don’t end up finding something. Many people who are passionate about their field have come up innovative ways to secure themselves a position in their dream job.


If you decide that you have taken one subject on and it’s not right for you, schools, colleges and even universities are quite flexible at helping you to change course to one that suits you.


It is sensible to think about studying towards a job, however to become a psychologist this is a field that requires a lot of further study; a degree, masters and possibly a PhD before you are qualified, so another job to help you though more study might be required here. So you could have both. 

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