Stressed asks :

Hi Lucy,


I'm feeling really uninspired by my university course. I'm not sure if it really is the career I want and I'm really struggling with the work. I'm also not really loving the social side of it either. I don't want to drop out as I'm never normally a quitter and I would have no other idea what to do with my life otherwise. I know I'm not dumb and don't want to waste any potential and make my parents disappointed in me :( HELP


Our Reply

Hi Stressed,


You are not the first or the last person to feel this way. Some people don’t know until they are in their late twenties what they want to do and others change route much later in life. I would suggest that you do something that makes you happy and inspired; however, University is still about hard work and perseverance even if you are doing something you love. If you are first year, then you are not too far into it, which could mean that making a change would not affect you too badly. University is not for everyone but, chances are you have only been here a few weeks, so it may be that you are simply settling into it and haven’t found your feet yet.


Perhaps pay a visit to the careers counsellor, who can discuss what aspects of education you do like and what subjects make you feel inspired. It may mean doing something like a dual honours programme instead of a straight subject. It could mean going into something completely different. But if you do go to see someone be prepared, or you won’t get anything out of it. Write down what you do like from a course- e.g. coursework against exams, practical sessions etc. and what you don’t. Write down the things in life that make you tick- is it reading, writing or practical activities?


It may be that you are not enjoying the social life because the underlying worry you have of the academic part not going your way is always on your mind. You likely could enjoy it better if that wasn’t burdening you so much.


There is no shame in a change direction, as many parents only want their children to be happy in their vocation. I would suggest that you think through what you want to do before you confront them with this. Making a life change but not being sure what your next move is can be frustrating for those trying to help you. If you go to them with a plan, then chances are they will respect you more for being mature about your decision.


If you come away from the careers sessions still feeling like university is not for you then perhaps an apprenticeship is a better option. Or finding work right away. If you simply want to get stuck in to something rather than study towards it then there are options here to. You are not in three years’ worth of debt yet so if you feel like you don’t want to go the long haul then there is still time to do something else.


With all that said, it is difficult to get into university and chances like that don’t come along too often. If there is a part of you that wants to change rather than leave, I would explore this first or you might regret leaving while you still have the opportunity within your grasp.

Lucy x  

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