Whattodo? asks :

Hi Lucy,

I’m getting married in a registry office next year and want bridesmaids and page boys but I have 12 grandchildren. My partner has 6- too many to have them all. What do I do? Have none so there’s no favouritism or choose a few?


Hi Whattodo,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

It does sound like a difficult choice, especially as children often expect to be asked and find it difficult to understand the reasoning behind not being chosen. Parents can be biased too if their child is upset over not being included, so it sounds like you are considering it from all angles.

It might make life easier all round to have no bridesmaids or page boys and then no feelings are hurt and there is no perceived favouritism. Perhaps everyone will understand as you have such a big family that it is extremely hard to pick from them all.

That said it's your day and you should not have to worry about what others think of your decision. If you are closer to some or feel that one or two are more responsible than the others then it's entirely up to you and your partner whom you choose- not anyone else.

There is always going to be someone in every wedding party who feels that they should have been asked to do something so it is impossible to please everyone. The most important thing is that you do what feels right for you.

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