Naomi asks :

Hi Lucy, 

My boyfriend has been invited to a barbecue of a friend. Which is my ex's brother! And all his family plus my ex are going to be there. Luckily I'm not invited. But I have a lot of history with his mum and my ex. And my ex and my current boyfriend should never be in the same room together! What should I do?


Hi Naomi,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Chances are your boyfriend doesn't want to talk to your ex- would you want to talk to his ex? He may stay clear of him all night and talk to the person who invited him and the people he knows well.

You can't stop your boyfriend from going and if you express your concerns beforehand it may make him suspicious.

That said; if the reason you don't want them to be in the same room together is because he might tell him something you haven't told your boyfriend yet- it may be time to have that conversation. Whatever it may be- he might take it better if it's coming from you rather than your ex or his mum.

But, if you and your ex have both moved on then, there should be no reason for his mum or your ex to bring up any history. They may have put that all to bed and carried on with their lives.

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