Wendy asks :

Hi Lucy,

I went to a works party a couple of weeks ago. I did have too much to drink and a work Colleague helped me out. I feel Embarrassed. What do a say to him when I see him?

Hi Wendy,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

At work's parties everyone lets down their guard. It's a chance to forget about how you would normally act around those you work with and be a little more normal and a little less professional. There are still boundaries, yes, but they are less black and white. If you were drunk, there were probably loads more of your colleagues in the same boat.

If he helped you out when you were drunk then perhaps you could thank him. He wouldn't have done it if he hadn't wanted to help you, so be grateful that he was there to support you in your time of need. It is normal to feel embarrassed about drunken antics but the point is, most people have a tale to tell about being under the influence, don't feel too ashamed. Perhaps he will tell you about one of this drunken stories to make you feel more at ease, there is nothing that bonds people more than the sharing of a cheeky tale ot two.

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