Hannah asks :

Hi Lucy,


My boyfriend told me when I first met him that he had never done anything sexual with a girl, hadn't even kissed someone. I was completely honest and told him I had once done something with my ex. When we began to do sexual things he acted as if he didn't know what he was doing and that it was his first time. I found out from other people that he had in fact done stuff with his ex-girlfriend and he'd be lying to me, it's changed my opinion on him, am I over reacting?

Hi Hannah,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Perhaps talk to your boyfriend about this- whoever you have spoken to might have blown this out of proportion. He may have lied to them to make them think he had done more than he actually had. He may have told you the truth but maybe you have fallen victim to some people who were trying to stir things up between you both. Rumours can be very damaging to a relationship so go to the source and maybe tell him what they told you so you both have all the information.

Even if he did do things with his ex- they were all still new with you, so he didn't know what he was doing where you were concerned because every women likes to be touched differently. He might have been extra cautious because he really wanted to impress you.

Try to speak to him before coming to any more conclusions- if he did bend the truth then maybe he didn't want you to feel jealous or in competition with his ex. If you are honest about how this has made you feel then hopefully he will vow never to lie to you again (if he did) and you can move on and concentrate on your own sex life.

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