General Health

28 November 2012

The cost of smoking

Smokers will fork out more than £90,000 on cigarettes in their lifetime, a study by E-Lites electronic cigarettes reveals. Researchers revealed the average smoker spends £27.54 a week on almost four ...
27 November 2012

Bacteria off your shoes infests your home and affects your health

The purpose of footwear is to protect your feet from harm and weather, but the majority of people buy shoes based on how they look, rather than how they perform.  Women ...
27 November 2012

Spot Cancer Early: 40% need nudge to visit their GP

More than 40% of people say talking to a friend or relative about a change to their body that was playing on their mind encouraged them to make an appointment ...
26 November 2012

Moody mornings: We don't like to talk to people till 8am

Millions of Brits admit they can’t bear to talk to anyone until at least 8am, it has emerged. Researchers found a bad night’s sleep, worries about the work day ahead ...
26 November 2012

Winter blues affect more than three quarters of us

Over three quarters of Brits get the winter blues, says new research but there’s a simple way to help tackle this according to TV medic Dr Rob Hicks. Although it’s only ...
23 November 2012

Are Food Intolerances behind your winter blues?

We all make emotional connections with the foods we eat, but many of us don’t realise just how direct the link is between food and our mood. It may surprise you ...
22 November 2012

Catch colds before they catch you this Winter

A cold remedy will be the answer to our prayers through the winter, but what about taking the cold head on before it takes you down.  With a glut of products ...
22 November 2012

The truth about painkillers

Dr Hilary Jones addresses some of the most common misconceptions about ibuprofen and paracetamol below.  The Doctor has teamed up with Nurofen for Children to ensure that we know exactly what ...
22 November 2012

New drug to help treat Type 2 diabetes soon to be released

Type 2 diabetes suffers will be glad to know that a new drug to improce blook glucose control will be available later this month.  Dapagliflozin is for use in combination with ...
21 November 2012

Festive season triggers concerns about Alcohol misuse

There's no more fitting a time than the weeks running up to Christmas, to highlight the concerns about alcohol misuse, particularly in the workplace, warns workplace health and wellbeing organisation, ...
18 November 2012

First aid: How much do you know?

The British public has a worrying gap in their first aid knowledge, according to new research. The findings from medical jewellery company highlights that 76% of people don’t recognise symptoms, ...
18 November 2012

Life is tougher than ever before

Life is hard, we all know that. But new research indicated that 25% of Brits are finding they experience more challenging deep breath situation today than ten years ago. The study ...
17 November 2012

Real Life: Magnesium cures chronic fatigue hell

Help could be on hand to assist the relief of a debilitating health condition which causes extreme fatigue, a long term sufferer claims. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a condition which causes ...
17 November 2012

Wipe out winter tiredness with these tips

The winter has hit, and so have our tiredness levels. For some reason we're feeling lerthagic and ready for bed - at most points of the day. To help the nation ...
16 November 2012

Chronic pain sufferers failing to seek medical advice

New research suggests that Britain’s chronic pain sufferers are failing to seek professional help to manage their condition – leaving them suffering in silence and needlessly missing out on healthcare ...
16 November 2012

Women more likely to be depressed than men

Women are more likely to be identified as having symptoms of depression and mental health disorders than men, according to research by Dr Viren Swami at the University of Westminster. The ...
15 November 2012

Nicole McLean undergoes Lipoglaze for Christmas weight loss

Research shows that the average woman puts on 5lb over the Christmas and New Year holiday. But rather than wait until January to shed that extra flab, increasing numbers of stars ...
15 November 2012

Indoor Allergy Week: Tips to help you through

As winter sets in and we spend more time indoors, it is important to make sure we are as allergy-free as possible. National Indoor Allergy Week takes place this week ...
14 November 2012

Young coeliac fighting fit thanks to vitamin D boost

A 9-year-old Cambridge coeliac who has faced a daily struggle to absorb the essential nutrients her body needs, has boosted her levels of vitamin D to stay healthy. Miranda was born ...
14 November 2012

Hearing loss is being suffered in silence

Those suffering from hearing loss are too embarrassed to admit it, according to new research.  The study found that almost 9 out of 10 over 50s suffer from hearing loss.  An incredible ...
14 November 2012

888ladies supporting Breast Cancer Care

Breast cancer affects 1 in 3 people, so the chances are you or someone in your life has suffered with this disease. But the question remains, what are you doing to ...
13 November 2012

Allergic to the bedroom?

The bedroom is the most allergic room in the house, according to the national charity Allergy UK.  77%  of those with an indoor allergy suffer in the bedroom, but 41% recognise ...
12 November 2012

Don’t Forget Some Toe TLC This Winter

As you prepare to tuck your feet away for the cold season, it doesn’t mean they don’t still deserve some TLC. In fact they deserve the same amount of attention, ...

11 November 2012

Hollyoaks stars launch new appeal for new blood donors

Hollyoaks stars and designer Wayne Hemingway MBE are supporting NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in their appeal to recruit vital new blood donors.  NHSBT wants to recruit 100,000 new donors in ...