Lindsey Bagley shares her knowledge

Lindsey Bagley shares her knowledge

A lot of people are starting New Year diets, what do you find are the biggest mistakes people are making with them?

The New Year is a great ‘starting point’ psychologically, a clean sheet, we cannot get a better stake in the ground and we all like to take control over initiating changes. From a weight loss perspective it is not brilliant as it is cold, we like to eat warming comfort foods and we are unlikely to be out and about very much leaving us open to food temptations we do not really need.

The biggest mistake we make is believing weight loss can be a quick fix or that there is a magic bullet to help the process. There is not; so the resolve has to be a determined one.


What would you suggest that they do?

Set attainable goals and work towards those goals. Losing 2 pounds a week with an engaged determination to reduce calorie intake is an attainable and sustainable weight loss goal. Set that as a target and be realistic in expectations.


A lot of people revert to slimming aids to help them, but still fail. What is it they are doing wrong?

The best diet is simply adjusting calorie intake so that we learn to expect and manage a better relationship with food. This way any weight loss is sustainable. Eutrim is designed to assist in this process, helping you to get used to smaller portions by reducing your appetite. Indeed, a changed relationship with food is really one of the most vital keys to successful weight management.


Which supplements would you suggest that people don't take?

Everyone will be able to find a system or product that works for them. If it helps you lose weight, use it.


Which supplements would you suggest for people to try?

Eutrim has been designed to work with a normal diet and educate you to eat less. It will also help motivation by speeding weight loss with the calories it stops you from absorbing.


If people are taking supplements, what should they know about them?

With all foods, supplements or ethical medicines available to assist weight loss there is a wealth of information provided on pack, in leaflets and on the internet. Read it!


Is there any particular foods that people should include more of in their diet when they are trying to lose weight?

Fruit, vegetables and pulses are great foods to include in any diet. They are nutrient rich and their bulk helps keep us full with a lower calorie density. We know that the micronutrients in fruit and veg are particularly beneficial to our overall health and wellbeing so learning to integrate these foods into our diets long term is important for healthy living.


What sort of foods, that aren't obvious ones, should they avoid?

All calories count in the losing weight process and no foods should be seen as the devil incarnate as everything has its place. High fat foods and alcohol are more calorie dense than other foods. There are foods which are calorie rich and nutrient poor that should be side-lined to the ‘treat’ category and not be used every day. Salted snacks, sugar and confectionery items and desserts fall into this category.


What's your take on superfoods, is there any truth in them?

We are learning more each day about the impact micronutrients in foods can have on our health and just where and what those micronutrients are. It is often easier for us to be convinced about the potential health benefits of some exotic fruit or vegetable than something we have always had in our diet. Recent research reported that raspberries contain almost 50 per cent more antioxidant activity than strawberries, three times that of kiwis, and ten times that of tomatoes. Our definition of ‘superfoods’ will change as our knowledge increases but our diet is all about balance and eating a wide variety of different foods.


What three foods would you suggest that people get more of in their diet?

Fruits, vegetables and pulses. Health advice about the potential of fresh foods may be rather more sophisticated today than the old adage of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but today’s message is basically the same - eat more fruit and veg and you’ll be healthier. 

Lindsey developed Eutrim which is now available on

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