Cardio will help to burn fat quickly

Cardio will help to burn fat quickly

Fat burning is key to losing weight, toning up and getting the figure you desire. There are many ways you can do this with diet and exercise but, to get the best long-term results, it’s important to include a healthy combination of both into your lifestyle. Then it becomes a habit, rather than a chore, and hopefully something that you will enjoy.

I know many people look for that ‘miracle’ quick fix… something that will turn a size 14 into a size 8 in 2 weeks, Kerry Katona into Jessica Ennis but this isn’t realistic. FACT: Fad diets such as the Maple Syrup diet, skipping meals, Atkins diets, and even liposuction… they WON’T WORK LONG-TERM! To achieve long-term results, you need discipline, to eat healthily and to exercise.

The first step to getting in shape is to start exercising, moving and, most importantly, burning fat. The less fat you have, the better your muscle definition will appear and the better your figure will be. So let’s get started...



If you want to burn fat and see results quickly, cardio is vital. It speeds up your metabolism and is the best way to burn fat.  

Of course there are the obvious activities like running, swimming and cycling but if you don’t fancy them there are lots of other things you can do like horse riding, dancing or squash. What I would say is, don’t write off the more ‘boring’ cardio activities like running. They might sound boring but once you get into them, and start to see your body change, you’ll start to enjoy them. I recommend running to my clients as they can do it anywhere, at anytime. It doesn’t cost any money and will fit into your routine entirely around you. Give it a try!


Weight training is essential to burning fat. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more energy your body will need to consume to function effectively and the more efficiently your body will burn fat. Now you’re probably thinking… ‘But I don’t want to be muscly…’ This is a common worry however, contrary to stereotypes, weight training won’t turn you into the hulk. What it will do is tone you up, increase your muscle definition, and help you to achieve a slimmer, stronger and gorgeously toned figure.

Here are some examples.

Exercise 1: Leg Press

Why? This targets your bum, thighs and lower abs.

To do these:

- Adjust the seat so your thighs are parallel to the foot plate when you recline.

- Keep your feet hip-width apart and press your feet into the plate.

- Straighten your legs but DON’T lock your knees at the top.

- Bend your knees and then lower until the weight hovers just above stack. Repeat this 10 times.

Note: Start with a lighter weight and increase as you get stronger.  This also applies to the number of reps.

Too easy? Try alternating the exercise with a plié leg press. To do this, position your feet into the plié position (toes pointed outwards). This will make the exercise harder and target the inner thighs more.

Exercise 2: Lateral Pull Downs

Why? This targets your back, chest, biceps and lats.

To do these:

- Use the long bar. Grip it with your hands approx. 2-3 inches from the centre on either side of the bar.  Your palms should be facing forward.

- Lean back slightly, keeping your arms straight, abs engaged and chest lifted. Then pull the bar towards your chest.

- Hold for 1 count and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Do 2 sets.

Too easy? As you get stronger, widen your grasp. The wider the grip, the more you'll work your lats and the less you'll work your arms.

Remember: Weight training doesn't just mean using material weights. Performing exercises using the weight of your own body is effective too. E.g. Push ups, pull-ups and the plank are all great ways to strengthen and tone your body using the weight of your own body. 


Combination exercises combine weight training and cardio. They’re fantastic for burning fat and target multiple muscles so they really help you to get the most from your workout.

Here are some exercises to get you started.

Exercise 1: Biceps Curl with Triceps Kickbacks

Why? This exercise works both the front (biceps) and back (triceps) of your arms.

To do these:

- Start standing with your knees slightly bent and lean your chest forward (about 45 degrees). Keep your elbows by your side.

- Bring the dumbbells to your chest for a biceps curl then immediately extend your arms back for a triceps extension.

- Remember to keep your elbows by your side and squeeze throughout the entire exercise. 

Exercise 2: Squat with overhead triceps extension

Why? This exercise works your lower body and tones the back of your arms!

To do these:

- Start in a squat position with your glutes back. Get your dumbbell and hold it behind your head. Keep with your elbows close to your ears.

- As you press up with your heels, extend your arms towards the ceiling.

- Lower the dumbbell back down as you squat back down to the starting position.

- Remember to keep your chest lifted throughout the entire exercise!

Note: Don’t use a weight that’s too heavy. Start lighter and focus on achieving the correct technique. This will work best and help you to avoid injury. 

To get the best results you need to be doing at least 3 hours of exercise weekly. Good luck!

Follow David on Twitter @NDC_Fitness

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