Hayley wants us to tone up this week

Hayley wants us to tone up this week

As the summer starts to rear it’s head our clothes start to come off….now here’s the test….how smooth are you looking.

When you are out and about this holiday season or stepping out on the town for an after-five event, you want to look your absolute best and of course feel fabulous. If you plan to wear that cute, sexy, little dress, but, uh, you’re not so little anymore and have a few lumps and bumps, I have just what you need.

A simple little black dress is the only garment you really have to and must possess in your wardrobe. Always remember to take your body shape into account when choosing your dress. You can use it all the time, for summer with sandals or winter with tights and a nice coat.

So lets work on our body to give that dress the shape it deserves…. 

Exercise: you really don’t have time not to…. and remember, we are striving for progress, not perfection.

After your 10 minute of cardio exercises (see week one) we need to move on to toning.

One of the best toners is press-ups so lets hit the floor.

My easy option:

Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your arms fully extended, palms flat and fingers facing forward. Rest your knees on the floor. Bend at your elbows, lowering your chest down, no lower than 2 inches from the floor. Push back up and repeat. Between 10-15 reps will give great results…

For the more serious keep those legs straight to take your full weight….and yes lets go for 20!


In a sitting position with your back straight, relax your arms in line with your body. Grip your weights or small bottles of water with your palms facing upwards and curl them up towards your shoulders, then back down again. Repeat. Keep your torso still and back straight, let your arms do the work. Keep working until your arms feel heavy and then do 10 more!

Lets move on to sit ups:

Sit-ups are the best known core exercises used to shape the tummy. Great for all our yummy mummies. Lie on the ground or on a yoga mat, keeping your knees bent and the feet firmly on the mat. Your hands should be held at the back of your head.

Tighten your abs and lift your head and shoulders off the mat, making sure the feet remain on the ground. Remain in the air with your abs tightened for 1 to 3 seconds and return to your initial position. Repeat the move 10 to 20 times.

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going and add extra reps to each exercise every day..

Phew! hard I know but don’t reach for that glass of wine yet, even though you deserve it. Try the new bottled water flavored with lemon, very refreshing after a workout and will keep you looking smooth in that dress.

Remember, the cardio exercises will burn the calories, but lifting your own body weight, or just weights itself will tone your body. You want to be doing both to truly get a figure you'll be proud of. Don't let these 3 exercises get boring for you. There is a reason why trainers still bring them up time and time again. They WORK!!!

And remember, the only bad workout is the one that didn't happen!!