Intimacy is the most important factor in lovemaking. Anybody can fake an orgasm during lovemaking but who wants to do that - you want to explode with pleasure and I do mean prolonged pleasure.

When connecting with a partner keep your eyes open, it is difficult to hide feelings, emotions, fears or our love when we are looking into their eyes.

Keep looking into each other’s eyes and hold hands or touch hands for a few minutes to build that connection and enjoy the silence.

Once you are comfortable in the silence you can speak openly and lovingly to your partner whilst connecting emotionally. You are using this silence to emotionally connect at the deepest level.

Stroke yours and your partner’s body gently whilst gazing into your partner’s eyes or gazing lovingly upon their body. It is not always necessary to sexually enter your partner sometimes the pleasure in simply in the touch and knowing they are yours to share with each other.

Peaking works for both sexes but often woman take longer to arouse, so it is often best to start with the woman and stroke her body lovingly. This technique involves taking the woman close to orgasm, slowing down and stopping briefly and then building up the tension again. This is repeated a number of times and she will be in a high state of sexual awareness. Then you switch over an pleasure the other partner.

An effective way of increasing his stamina is to place you fingers around the lower part of the penis - this keeps the blood there helping to maintain the erection. Breathing exercises - Spend time breathing together in unison. It is a great way to build the connection.

Kegel exercise: Both men and woman can squeeze their pelvic muscles which strengthens them for sex. When a woman does this during lovemaking it can make the sex pleasure enhance ten-fold.

Breath - Breathing for each other is an excellent way of connecting. Look lovingly upon your partner and decide who will go first and when you are ready to kiss. One will breathe a breath into the other person’s mouth and then the person who just received the breath holds it for a moment and then breathes back into the other partners mouth, they hold it for a moment and breathe back into their partners mouth. Do this for two breaths at first and increase. After about 5 minutes of breathing for one another you will feel totally connected. Making sure you are stroking your partner as you breathe for them in this loving tantric way.

Ensure that you have lots of physical and emotional time together daily giving at least half an hour of quality attention time to your lover and your libido will rise like an air-bubble.

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