That every woman has had

That every woman has had

Such as talking about pooping or periods in graphic detail- they care about your bodily functions as much as you do.

The Lie

Are they covering up for their bad boyfriend with made up good points? You can smell it a mile off if they are and call them on it every time!

That guy

You go through a number of different explanations as to who it might be by talking about all the other people they know to eventually get there.

The what if?

What if you moved in next door to each other when you are older? Or you date brothers so you can stay close?

Meet my friend

You get that she's into him and you can see he's into her so you talk her up and give them some common ground and then walk away smug in the knowledge of your perfect match.

I didn't know that

You are aghast when they tell someone else something that you didn't know and feel like you are failing at your job as their friend.

The perfect response

If you are feeling down about yourself you can rely on her to bring you right back up with the best compliments while acknowledging that you are still feeling a little meh.

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