Being careless with limbs- You are not afraid to let your hands and legs carelessly flop onto your partner, even if it hurts them a little.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Share food- You are more likely to give it away when it tastes bad and your partner will always eat it- because its food and why waste food that you paid good money for?!

Have conversations at the worst possible times- Like when your partner is in the shower or you are brushing your teeth. They can't hear/ understand you.

Try each other products- A dab of her moisturisers here, a spritz of his aftershave there- you're a couple now- you must share everything.

Wear the same clothes- You end up looking like twins or members of the same sports team.

Speak and sing for your pets- They always look like they are going to say something really profound but never do- so you both fill in the gaps.

Forget to kiss- Before leaving and when you get home- instead- you head for the fridge or rush out because you're late. But there's always time for a kiss and often you will return or that all important hello/goodbye smooch.

Sing duets- Usually in the car and you never drop a word it's so well-rehearsed. Other drivers are often scared by your wild in car gesturing.

Get undressed as soon as you come through the door- House attire is generally bra and trouser free.

Finish each other's sentences- You know what they wanted to say and what they actually said because they are all mouth and no action.

Try on each other's clothes- Bras make great headphones- apparently.

Text while on the toilet- Usually for paper when some inconsiderate soul hasn't replaced the empty one.

Call each other by nicknames- 'Night night sleep tight gummy bear'.

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