Kate Nash’s life was “saved” by her landing a role in ‘GLOW’.

Kate Nash’s life was ‘saved’ by her landing a role in ‘GLOW’
The singer, 36, shot to stardom with her 2007 single ‘Foundations’, but said she ended up losing all her music career money as she trusted the “wrong people” with her cash – which resulted in her moving back in with her parents before she fought back by getting a part on the American comedy-drama series about female wrestlers.
She told The Guardian: “When ‘GLOW’ came along, it saved my life. I’d trusted the wrong people with my money, which meant I had to sell my flat and move back in with my parents.
“I’d worked so hard and had nothing to show for it. The worst part was that I knew I wasn’t going to give up.
“I briefly thought I should become a teacher instead, but then I realised: ‘How are you going to do that? You don’t even have a degree because you didn’t get into any universities.’”
Kate plays Rhonda ‘Britannica’ Richardson in ‘GLOW’ – the 2017 Netflix show about the 1980s syndicated female professional wrestling circuit ‘Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling’.
She added about her co-stars on the series helping her get her career and life back on track: “Having this career is about getting your way through it. Push push, tour tour.
“Other times you get a break that saves you. Fifteen female wrestlers saved me. “The experience of being with so many women who gassed me up, loved my music and put value on me in a way I didn’t, was incredible.”
Kate also said the show was life-changing as it was the first time she had encountered “professionalism” at work instead of the chaos of the music business – which she said was filled with men trying to bed her.
“That show was the first time I’d encountered an HR department and professionalism in the workplace.
“I remember thinking: ‘What? No one here is drunk or high?’
“If something happened that was inappropriate, I had people I could go to. In the music industry, it was so chaotic.
“When I was 17, I’d be hanging out with a bunch of men who would be buying shots and everyone would be trying to get you drunk and (have sex with) you. “There was nobody to turn to.
“Before ‘GLOW’, I was used to meeting people defensively, probably because of the way the media treated me.
“I’d think: ‘You probably don’t like me. You think I’m an idiot. I’m a joke to you.’
“I’ve always been an open person in spite of that, but I realised I had a chip on my shoulder. Being surrounded by all those supportive strangers changed my life.”
Kate added she is now in a “nice place where I’m signed to a new label and out of survival mode for the first time in years”.
Tagged in Kate Nash