Once your little one reaches toddling age, their needs differ in terms of what to pack for them on a day out. So, here are our top suggestions to include in your bag before you leave the house. 

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Snacks: Most toddlers have an insatiable appetite, so make sure you pack a variety of snacks including fresh fruit and veg. There are lots of reputable baby brands out there that offer healthier alternatives to crisps and bars too so check out what is on offer at your local supermarket that’s age appropriate for your child as these will last longer. Small snack pots are ideal for prepared fruit or veg. 

Drink: Your toddler is probably past the bottle stage, so make sure you have a sippy cup with you at all times. Many of the drinks that are targeted at smaller children are full of sweetners, if you always have a drink of water with you, there’s no need to give them anything else.  

Toys: Toddlers need more stimulation than babies do in terms of toys so always pack a few of their favourite small toys to keep them entertained if you are waiting for food at a restaurant or happen to get stuck in traffic. 

Medicines: Toddlers are at the prime age for teething so having a few things to relieve this discomfort will make the world of difference when you are out and about. Baby Calpol, is available in single dose sachets and it's super handy to fit a couple of sachets in your bag. Ask your pharmacist for what is safe for the age of your toddler. Use a small coin pouch or PVC bag for any little emergency items. Ours contain Calpol sachets, antiseptic cream, antibacterial wipes, plasters and some adult paracetamol for us mums! 

Nappies, wipes & a changing mat: A staple for any toddler who is not yet potty trained. The amount of changing rooms we've been into that have been FAR from clean, having a changing mat that you can wash at home is a huge plus. You can never have enough wipes when there is a toddler around, not only for nappy changes but also post snacks and meals. We also have nappy bags, cotton wool for drying and nappy cream. 

A change of clothes: Having a spare set of clothes is a must for those emergency situations that often arise with toddlers. If you choose some thin and easy to pack clothes, these will fit easily within your bag. A spare t-shirt, leggings, socks and thin jumper are usual fixtures within our bag. Using a small packing cube means you can keep all your clothes in one place within your bag. 

Nail clippers: As toddlers are inquisitive, they use their hands a lot to pick up items and examine them, especially if they are new, so their nails often get caught on things and tear. Having some baby nail clippers on your person is great to keep their nails tidy if you notice that one is hanging off and may cause discomfort if it’s pulled.   

Plastic cutlery: If your toddler is trying out cutlery for the first time, this is a handy thing to bring with you as most restaurants only have metal forks, knives and spoons. While your little one is still uncoordinated, plastic cutlery is safer to use.  

A sun hat and cream - During the summer these things are a must! All too often you can set off on a cloudy day only for the sun to appear later on and catch you unaware. Various sun cream brands have hand bag sized lotions and sprays. When the colder months hit, you can swap out your summer hat for a winter hat and mittens/gloves. 

Hand wipes and tissues: We never have enough tissues. Snotty noses or dirty fingers are a continual fixture in the life of a todder. Having a pack of tissues will always come in handy. Antibacterial hand wipes are also really handy for quickly wiping down restaurant high chairs or public changing units. 

Don't forget Mum's stuff!: Last but not least, there's always all of mums stuff that needs to find a space in the bag! Things like your keys, wallet, phone, sun glasses, medication and tampax all take up space. If you can use a dedicated pocket within the bag for all your own items, it'll make it it easier to find them. 

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