A daredevil is to walk on a tightrope over an active volcano.

Bizarre on Female First

Bizarre on Female First

Record-breaker Nik Wallenda has announced his ''most dangerous walk yet'', 1,800 feet across the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua, Central America.

The volcano has previously been described as a ''ticking time bomb'' and a ''volatile inferno... so fierce local crusaders once tried to exercise the devil out of its heart.''

Masaya has erupted at least 13 times in the past 30 decades, with the most recent eruption in October 2019.

Nik said: ''After spending years scouting and researching volcanoes, I fully realise why no one has ever attempted this feat: Mother Nature is extremely unpredictable.

''It is by far the most dangerous walk I have EVER attempted, and that alone makes it very intimidating. (sic)''

His attempt will be broadcast on 'ABC' on March 4.