We have your latest tarot card readings for the week (May 17th - 23rd)! See how your sun sign interacts with your single card draw.

Image credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd UC8 / Alamy Stock Photo

Image credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd UC8 / Alamy Stock Photo


(March 21 – April 19)

Six of Wands (Reversed) - The success you have been hoping for is not as forthcoming as you initially hoped, but that doesn’t mean it’s all over. Your impatience may lead you to make rash decisions though, so try and wait it out without doing anything. Patience is the best virtue you can have right now.


(April 20 – May 20)

Five of Wands (Reversed) - You are or are about to be involved in an aggressive opposition this week, which is not something you are comfortable with facing as a placid Taurean. You are starting to feel like you can’t trust anybody, but you’re also not willing to surround yourself with new people. It may be time to take a brave step out of your comfort zone and find some new allies.


(May 21 – June 20)

The Moon (Reversed) - You may not be willing to face your emotional problems or past traumas as they resurface this week, Gemini, but it’s important you confront them now before you end up getting stuck in a cycle of ignoring or burying your problems. You’re a good talker, so talk about the things that are playing on your mind. You might find yourself starting to heal.


(June 21 – July 22)

The Hierophant - Even if you’re not a religious person, it may be time to embrace a more spiritual outlook on the world. This is a great way to deal with your emotions, and can help relieve you of the pressure you feel to make the world around you a good place for your loved ones. The world is not your responsibility, your only responsibility is to be happy and love others.


(July 23 – August 22)

Six of Pentacles - This card suggests you are about to get involved with some kind of charitable campaign, but what you have to make sure is that you are giving help where it is both wanted and needed. Whether you have good intentions or not, the fact is that not everyone who looks like they need help will ask for or, indeed, accept it. Be sure to ask what you can do to help rather than just throwing money at a situation.


(August 23 – September 22)

The High Priestess - Relieve yourself of your over-critical mind and trust your intuition over your analytical mind this week, Virgo. Also, don’t be so keen to share your thoughts and ambitions with others; having secrets may well be beneficial to you.


(September 23 – October 22)

Six of Cups - It’s time to embrace some real nostalgia this week, Libra, whether that means embodying your inner child, revisiting old friends or doing something you used to love. Past memories will be healing for you, but don’t dwell on the more traumatic areas or you might find yourself suddenly spiraling into a depressive spell.


(October 23 – November 21)

The Hermit - Introspection and me-time is the order of the day for Scorpio, and you might want to take this time to break routine and review some of the things in your life that no longer serve you. Change is important, so consider a new direction in your life whether it be a new hobby or whole new way of life.


(November 22 – December 21)

The World - Ultimate fulfillment is definitely on the cards for Sagittarius, as you experience the end of one phase of your life and the start of something new and exciting with infinite potential and possibilities. Your biggest hopes and dreams will start to manifest and your optimism will be rewarded.


(December 22 – January 19)

Five of Swords - Don’t let your ambition turn into opportunism this week, Capricorn. Taking advantage of another person’s defeat won’t make you feel good, but having compassion for those who have lost will have a much more positive impact on your life. 


(January 20 – February 18)

Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) - Your personal life may suffer this week, Aquarius, if you set too much store by financial situations and what you want from other people in your family. Conflict is likely if you ask too much of your loved ones.

MORE: Last week’s tarot readings for your Star Sign


(February 19 – March 20)

Eight of Swords (Reversed) - You may be feeling trapped right now, Pisces, and unable to be honest about your wants and needs. You might feel under pressure to do something you don’t want to do and you fear what others might think of you. Take some time to really think about what you want to do and work out how best to communicate these thoughts with the appropriate people.

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