By JBayleyWrites 

Alexa Chung is a British writer, model, fashion designer and renowned (as well as now self-professed) 'IT-girl'.

Alexa Chung, It

Alexa Chung, It

The book's title alone shows that Alexa Chung recognises herself, and rightly so, as an 'IT-girl' but as amazing as this book is- do not expect it to let you in on the secret of what it takes to have the 'IT' factor.

If you are expecting an 'It-Factor for Dummies' step-by-step guide, then this may lead you to inevitable disappointment. Instead, this book is more of a pastiche of fashion-flops, muses, and even regrets. Chung focuses far more on the winding road (or perhaps Labyrinth would be more apt) of an individual's fashion journey than detailing a stringent list of fashion do's and don'ts. But that is, in my opinion, exactly the point Alexa Chung is making with her book- style and fashion are quintessentially free (if only the clothes were too!). It is for each of us to do as she has done, to find those pitfalls and make our own fashion mistakes otherwise there would be no trends, individuality, or expression in what we wear and without that- they simply are just clothes.

We have all inevitably made fashion faux pas, otherwise who would have bought all the shoulder pads? Shoulder pads themselves seem to be making a return ready for another generation to repeat their parents' mistakes...oh the irony.

In the book, she does say "my style evolution was a painstaking process" when touching upon the matter of modelling measurements and maintaining these sizes and standards. This element, the modelling industry with its confinements and restrictions that have become the centre of many a discussion and media storm, is something that I think could have been discussed further in this book. But in fairness that is a partially unfair criticism because just as this book is not your quick step style guide, it is also not an exposé of an industry which Chung works and thrives in.

In a book which orbits around style, it would not make sense to delve into the restricted elements of the industry, as style in its very nature is limitless. So, while this is irrefutably an important matter, it is not the purpose of the book. Again, I remind you not to yearn for the wrong thing from this book. Expecting this book to be something it is not, will leave you feeling nothing less than underwhelmed. However, if what you're seeking is honesty rather than answers- this book will give you a sense of empowerment and inspiration.

Individuality. That is what you should take from this book. Alexa Chung is sharing her own individual evolution into a modern day style icon, this is not your roadmap, it is your reassurance that you do not have to wear a uniform of skinny jeans, a tight top and a lifeless expression.

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