1. My dogs. We have two young German Shorthaired Pointers whom we adore. They have wonderful personalities, both with a ton of quirky attitude. They will put up with a few hours of me sitting on the sofa typing away, but then their ‘fed-up’ alarm goes off, and I am pawed, nudged, licked, and shoved until I close the laptop. They are a great reminder to get up and move, so I tell myself it is caretaking.

Author Alison Ragsdale
2. Good TV. I love a good series, especially if it is set somewhere picturesque. Period dramas are my weakness. The problem is that I binge-watch, which knocks my writing schedule off kilter. While I watch less than I used to, rationing quality TV is hard for me.
3. Imposter Syndrome. After eleven published books, I still sometimes feel that I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. What makes me think I can write a book that readers will enjoy? It is not uncommon in the writing field, and I think many of my fellow authors would support me in this. When those moments strike, my mind freezes and therefore, so does my writing progress.
4. Sunshine. I am a serial walker covering at least four to five miles a day. I am fortunate to live near some lovely parks, and if the sun shines, it is magnetic. I am compelled to get outside, breathe, and clear my mind. My daily self-care is made up of those moments of quiet, in nature, and just being outdoors.
5. Family. I have a big, fun, loving, loud, and diverse family that I adore. We are spread around the world now, which is fabulous, but large gatherings are becoming more and more difficult due to logistics. So, whenever there is an opportunity to get together, everything else takes a back seat.
6. Fear of being repetitive. I worry about becoming repetitive in my themes, characters, and language. It can be a challenge to keep each book fresh, with its own personality and feeling, so this fear can make me slam the brakes on and retrace my literary steps, so to speak. To make sure I’m not repeating any of those elements.
7. Reviews. I have learned over the years that one size never fits all, so the hard stop that a less-than-positive review could invoke happens less often now. But sometimes, if their point hits home, and I can see why the reader has responded in a particular way, it can draw me to a halt for a few days until I rationalize it, take away what I can, and move on.About the Book:

Mothers talk about impossible choices. But, as I look at my daughter in a hospital bed, her red hair fanning out around her, my heart feels literally torn in two. Should I risk my son’s life to save my daughter, or keep my little boy safe and watch my precious girl slip away?
My darling daughter Tara has a rare form of cancer and there’s nothing I can do. At eleven years old, she’s already been so brave, but my sweet girl is hanging on by her fingernails. She has one last chance: a bone marrow transplant from her little brother. But nine-year-old Callum has an autoimmune disease, and there’s a chance it will put him at risk.
It’s life or death for one of my children and I have to make this decision alone.I wish there was someone by my side to help me and my family through this terrible time. But life has hit us so hard recently. A few months ago, my beloved husband died in a tragic accident and now I might lose Tara too. All I want to do is to protect my children: so much has been taken from us already. I hope for a miracle, but my daughter is running out of days, and I have to choose.If I make the wrong choice, will I lose one of my precious children forever?
Totally heartbreaking and gripping fiction about parenting, loss and finding light in the darkest of times. If you love Jodi Picoult, Kate Hewitt and Jojo Moyes, this novel will stay in your heart forever.
Buy An Impossible Choice by Alison Ragsdale here https://geni.us/B0CW1KSFCNsocial
Author Bio:
Alison Ragsdale writes contemporary women’s fiction novels set in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, her homeland. They are emotionally charged stories about family, love, loss, forgiveness, and finding new ways to happiness despite life's toughest challenges.
Ragsdale's novels are heart-wrenching tales of family dynamics and relationships, inspired by the extraordinary in the every-day. For more information, previews of upcoming books, and signings, sign up for the Highlanders Club newsletter at www.alisonragsdale.com.
A former marketing executive, originally from Edinburgh, Alison now lives near Washington D.C. with her husband and dogs. She was educated in England and holds an MBA from Leicester University.
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