Kylie Jenner cancelled Stormi's first birthday party because of the rain.

Kylie Jenner and Stormi (c) Instagram

Kylie Jenner and Stormi (c) Instagram

The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star was meant to have a huge birthday bash for her little girl but had to make it a much more relaxed affair, with just her relatives and closest friends, after poor weather forecasts.

In a series clips on her Instagram story, she said: "Alright so, we were supposed to have Stormi's birthday party this weekend. It's not happening because it was supposed to rain and it's not raining anymore.

"It didn't end up raining, but better safe than sorry. We have all her cousins here and everybody who loves her. We're playing with farm animals."

Kylie had previously claimed that becoming a mother to Stormi a year ago had helped her to love herself more than ever.

She explained: "I feel like having a daughter, and thinking about beauty in the future, has definitely changed me, and I feel like it has made me love myself more and accept everything about me. Even my ears, I always felt like they stuck out too far, and she [Stormi] has the same ears as me and so now I love my ears ... It's just having a different outlook on life so I can pass that on to her. I want to be an example for her. What kind of example would I be if she said she didn't like her ears, and then I didn't like them either? I just want to teach her that. I'm trying to love myself more."

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