Katie Skelton

Katie Skelton

Katie Skelton is making the final preparations ahead of the Olympic Games where she will take to the pool as part of the Synchronised swimming team.

I caught up with her to talk about how final training is going and how much she is looking forward to a home Games.

- The London Games are now just around the corner so how excited are you that your first Olympic Games are going to be in London?

I am so excited that I am going to the Olympic Games in fornt of my family and friends and the whole of the British Nation.

I feel the support from everyone is amazing and I am so looking forward to perfoming on fromt of everyone. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity  

- While you are training hard have you given some thought to what it's going to be live when the pool is packed with spectators? And what about the Opening Ceremony?

Everytime I think about it I get goosebumps! It is a reward for all the hard work we have done over the last 5 years.   The Opening Ceremony will be amazing and I am really looking forward to representing Great Britain  

- How would you assess the shape you are in at the moment and how has training been going?

We are in top shape at the moment and at the peak of our performance. Training is going very well and we are fully prepared for the Olympics.  

- The team put in a good performance at the qualifying event in the Olympic pool earlier this year so what did you take away from that to work on ahead of the Games?

We were very pleased with our results and took on board the judges comment about the routines and have made changes to improve both routines so that they are at a higher level ready for the Olympics  

- What is the mood in the Team GB camp at the moment? And what are the goals for the squad?

The mood within the camp is very positive and excited ready to showcase the routines to the world. We are aiming for a top 6 finish at the Olympics  

- As I have just mentioned you have had the chance to swim in the Olympic pool already so how did you find that? And what did you think of the facilities?

The pool and its facitilies are fantastic. It is a bright pool with clear water to swim in which helps when keeping patterns and routins together.  

- So where do you think the major competition for medals will come?

The main contendrs for the medals will be Russia, Spain and China.  

- You have been part of European Championship squads and World Cup teams so who do you think that experience will help in London this summer?

These big competitions give us a n idea about the response that the home countries receive and gives us experience in worldwide competitions giving us the understanding of big competitions and how to deal with the pressure.  

- What do you hope the Games will do for the sport of Synchronised Swimming in this country?

I hope the games will increase the participation of the sport and show it as a competitive and worthwhile sport to take part in   - How did you get into the sport in the first place?

My next door neighbor was in the local club and I joined when she suggested it was a great sport to get involved in  

- Finally what's coming up for you between now and the Games?

We are off to a training camp in Malta for two weeks before going to the Athletes Village ready for the games.

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FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw


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