It’s far from the only acronym for the queer community, but LGBTQIAP2S+ is one of the most popular, and most confusing, we have. Some prefer to keep it simple (LGBT) while others opt to use the more inclusive LGBTQ or LGBTQIA.

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Flag / credit: elifbayraktar / Alamy Stock Photo

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Flag / credit: elifbayraktar / Alamy Stock Photo

Most use a “plus” at the end of their chosen acronym to indicate the myriad of other genders and sexualities out there, but many prefer to include as many letters as possible first to reduce the amount of people only indirectly represented by the “plus” - it can be frustrating and yet more isolating to identify as a member of the queer community and not see your own gender or sexuality represented in the acronym.

Some, mainly in academic circles, prefer to use the term SGM (or GSM) as an abbreviation for sexual and gender minorities which essentially includes everyone and eliminates the need for a more complicated acronym. But for those who want to learn the longer acronyms, here’s a little explanation as to who exactly is included in LGBTQIAP2S+.

L - Lesbian

A term to describe a woman who is sexually attracted to primarily women.

G - Gay

A term to describe a man who is sexually attracted to primarily men. It can also be used as a gender-neutral term for any person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex.

B - Bisexual

A term to describe a person who has a sexual attraction to both men and women.

T - Transgender

A term to describe a person who identifies as the opposite gender to that which they were assigned at birth; it can also be used as an umbrella term for anyone who identifies as anything other than what they were assigned at birth, including non-binary and genderqueer people.

Q - Queer/Questioning

Queer is a catchall term to describe anyone who belongs to the LGBTQIAP2S+ community, but not everyone within the community uses the word to describe their sexual or gender identity.

Questioning is a term to describe anyone who has started to challenge their preconceived notions of their own gender or sexuality, and are in the process of exploring their identity.

I - Intersex

A term to describe a person who was born with sexually ambiguous physical traits. A variety of diagnoses fall into the intersex category including Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Klinefelter Syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis; these may affect the body on a chromosomal, gonadal, genital and/or hormonal level.

A - Asexual/Aromantic

Asexual is a term to describe a person who does not experience sexual attraction. Similarly, aromantic is a term to describe a person who does not experience interest in romantic relationships.

P - Pansexual

A term to describe a person whose sexual attraction is not determined by biological sex or gender identity.

2S - Two-spirit

An umbrella term used to describe someone of a “third gender” or otherwise encompassing both feminine and masculine traits under certain cultural ideas within some Indigenous communities.

More from Pride Month: From dead names to binding, a glossary of important trans terms

+ - Everything else

There are so many other terms people use to describe their gender or sexual identity including non-binary, omnisexual, demisexual, polyamorous and even allies.

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