Rob Marshall

Rob Marshall

Rob Marshall has revealed that he is still optimistic that a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie will go ahead.

Marshall is all set to take over directing duties from Gore Verbinski on the new movie, which would see Johnny Depp return to the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, but nothing is yet set in stone.

Speaking to Coming Soon the filmmaker said:  "If it happens - I think Johnny Depp is doing a movie with Angelina Jolie in the spring (The Tourist) - so if it happens, we'll start in the summer, and we'll see.

“I'm excited. If it happens, it happens. I'd be thrilled. I just love Johnny and I'm excited about the genre."

Despite this upbeat attitude the Nine director admitted that he hasn’t yet seen a script for the movie: "I would need a script first," he said. "It all comes from the script and the story.

“You serve the story and you find out what the story is and then you work from there. That's it, it's simple."

Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the most successful franchises with the second movie, Dead Man’s Chest, grossing over $1 billion at the global box office alone.

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