Alec Bladwin

Alec Bladwin

Alec Baldwin says he was 'elated' when he was asked to come on board Woody Allen's new movie Blue Jasmine.

Baldwin is set to team up with Oscar winner Cate Blanchett in a drama that sees a woman's world turned upside down when it is revealed that her husband is a criminal.

This is the second time that Baldwin has worked with Allen after he appeared in To Rome With Love. And he admits that he was keen to work with the filmmaker again.

Speaking to Extra the actor said: "Woody is my favourite writer in the movie business," he said. "So I did To Rome With Love, which was more kind of a lighter comedy. There was some farce to that.

"He asked me to do this film [Blue Jasmine] and I was elated. I was so happy he asked because I love to work with him. This is more of a drama."

Blue Jasmine is the first film for Allen since To Rome With Love and it also sees Peter Sarsgaard and Sally Hawkins on the cast list.

As for Baldwin it has been a quiet movie year for him so far but he has been linked to Caught Stealing, which will be directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky.

Blue Jasmine is released 20th September.

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