Ainsley Harriott thinks his career has peaked with a show before the King's Christmas speech.

Ainsley Harriott will be on screens before King Charles at Christmas

Ainsley Harriott will be on screens before King Charles at Christmas

The 67-year-old chef has been on TV for decades but is delighted to be "opening" for King Charles when his show 'Ainsley's Festive Flavours' airs before the monarch's address to the nation on Christmas Day (25.12.24).

Ainsley told The Sun newspaper's TVBiz column: "On Christmas Day, I've got 'Ainsley's Festive Flavours' which is going on ITV just before the King – I'm opening for the King!

"And then, on January 4, I've a new series on ITV called 'Fabulous Flavours'.

"We look at food from all over the world and I'm happy. We've got great guests and that's going to be another Saturday morning feast, if you want to tune in.

"There's Brian Conley on Christmas Day with me, too. It'll just be people who want come on and a have a bit of fun."

Ainsley was the first black chef to make it on British TV and finds it "wonderful" that there is now more diversity on the small screen as it has come as "surprise" to his generation.

The former 'Ready Steady Cook' host told the Mail on Sunday newspaper: "For us it’s different because we grew up without it. And now it’s there. There’s gradually been change, not only in TV commercials, but in dramas, and it’s a reflection of everyday life.

"For the older generation, it’s a bit of a surprise, but for the younger generation we’re normalising it. I think it’s wonderful, and it’s a real positivity – and long may it last!

"My daughter’s a young woman in her 30s, and she turned round and said, 'Dad, it’s not for you, it’s for the next generation.' It slowly becomes normal."