Men are miserable if their wives earn more money than them.

Men are unhappy if their wives earn more cash
Experts at the University of Durham studied the incomes and mental health of heterosexual couples in Sweden and discovered that female breadwinners led to a higher risk of mental health issues for both parties - but particularly for males.
The researchers said: "The share of couples where the wife outearns the husband is increasing globally.
"Crossing the threshold where the wife starts earning more significantly increases the probability of receiving a mental health diagnosis.
"In the most restrictive specification, the likelihood increases by approximately eight per cent for the whole sample and by 11 per cent for men."
The experts did not look into possible reasons behind the findings.
Study leader Demid Getik told MailOnline: "From earlier literature, it seems, however, it's likely due to a consistent preference for the male partner to earn more in a couple.
"It's a bit more difficult to say to what extent that preference comes from women or men.
"What is interesting though is that you still see this in a country like Sweden, which prides itself on its gender parity."