The Solar System may have been warped by a mysterious object billions of years ago.

The Solar System could have been warped by a mystery object

The Solar System could have been warped by a mystery object

Scientists think a huge object shot its way through space and forced Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune's orbits to be thrown off course.

It comes as a team of researchers carried out computer simulations for 50,000 scenarios, each portraying 20 million years.

Results included an object eight times the size of Jupiter coming within 1.69 astronomical units of the sun as well as a big star entering the solar system.

Despite this, the findings need to be reviewed by other scientists for the theory to be validated.

Renu Malhotra, planetary scientist, told Live Science: "The puzzle for theoretical astrophysics has long been to figure out how the orbits later became out-of-round and tilted from their mean plane by not too much and not too little."