Trugs Dibbers

Trugs Dibbers

"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today." Indian proverb

"If you would be happy all your life, plant a garden." Chinese proverb

Follow the garden path to horticultural heaven with this satisfying harvest of garden wisdom. Whether you are in needs of some blossoming inspiration of your fingers are the colour of freshly mown grass, this compendium of gardening advice is overflowing with both classic and contemporary tips for making your garden grow and fascinating snippets of gardening folklore.

Learn ...
* Why you should always keep a leek in your attic
* How to keep out bugs and slugs
* Why you should never kill a ladybird
* How to attract creatures who are the gardener’s friend

What we think:

The perfect helpbook for the amateur gardener in an easy to follow layout. - Joclyn Manners - FemaleFirst book critic

What others say

"As is the garden such is the gardener. A man’s nature runs either to herbs or weeds."
Francis Bacon

"There is more pleasure in making a garden than in contemplating a paradise."
Anne Scott-James

Out in  Hardback  - 208pp   £9.99   May 2010