Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Hi Jim, a pint of bitter? Aye please. Christ it’s busy

What’s going on?


It’s for Tracey –there. Who’s Tracey? One-three five

Please –Tracey Jamieson –her there – it’s cancer



For Treatment? No – it’s too far gone – a holiday,

before she gets too bad – a year they reckon.

Christ, how old?


Your change –fifteen.

Fifteen –Oh.



Hi Jim, how’s things , good time in Scotland? Yeh

Good turn out eh?


Huh what? For Tracey. Yeh –fifteen.

Good spread eh? Sure, food, to feed the body.


then some drinking to be done. There’s

not much time. Oh no – extended licence

here today.


Some drink

to go.




Hi man, how you doing? Pint for Jim, Dave.

Pour it now?


No. when I’m empty. Right, that’s in.

Bad day for Hearts eh, beat four -

Nil. Yeh man,


Don’t remind me – fifteen games unbeaten.

No. I’ll have that pint now, Dave

Right oh.


Yeh aye, fifteen

and one to go.


She stands before me, after hours, this

pretty pale waif girl,


just smiles, looks happy, I don’t know her,

not at all, she smiles, I didn’t know her,

I smile back,


Bad day for Hearts, extended license. My eyes

feel moist, look down, I know her now,

she’s just


Fifteen and

One to go.

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