I just finished reading this yesterday and I simply had to review it to thank Mel for writing it.

The Goddess Revolution

The Goddess Revolution

It reads on the back; 'if you've ever struggled with diets, food, body image or weight then this book is for you.' My initial thought, was yes, yes, yes and YES so I had to read it. And I'm sure I'm not alone in ticking all the above boxes.

I can't remember a time that I wasn't on a diet and it can make you feel so alone. Reading this book and Mel's experiences as well as those ladies she's helped, normalises your thoughts and feelings you once assumed were only applicable to you. Lies such as 'I'm not worthy of wearing nice clothes until I'm thin' or 'I can't do something until I lose the weight' like apply for another job or ask someone out. Mel teaches you not to let your hang ups hold you back anymore and just go for it.

With short digestible chapters (no pun intended), you can rattle through this book in no time, but I did find myself lingering over the quotes and highlighted sections of the book. They really do make you think about the time you've wasted on things that don't really matter and missing out on the things that do because of food.

For the first time in a long time, I sat down to a meal and I enjoyed it- because- well I am allowed to enjoy food- who knew? Food has always been my worst enemy but it doesn't have to be and to enjoy a meal is a refreshing experience I tell you.

A wonderfully positive book amongst the sea of negativity women are subjected to in the media. Every woman who has ever felt bad about herself should read this because it puts everything into perspective and encourages you to start living your life to the max.

Thanks Mel- we need more people like you in the world!

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