Bella Hadid has never watched an episode of 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' - despite starring on it.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid

The 19-year-old model made a brief appearance on the reality TV show - the programme that made her mother Yolanda Foster famous - two years ago but she has admitted she has never sat through a whole episode.

Speaking in the July issue of ELLE UK, she explained: "I didn't choose the life I have now. I'm obviously very, very blessed but being on the show wasn't about me trying to get famous, it was just trying to make my mom happy."

Yolanda - who carved out a catwalk career prior to the show - joined the programme five years ago but Bella, her sister Gigi, 21, and their brother Anwar, 16, were not thrilled about the idea when she initially voiced it to them in 2012.

Bella said: "She talked to us. We were iffy about it at first but she was an interior designer so it was kind of a job."

Yolanda kept her children off air, for the most part, until they were adults - Gigi made her first appearance in 2012 and then again for a few episodes the following season.

Bella added: "It was my mom protecting us but we all lived together, so we had to introduce ourselves some when."

Meanwhile, over the course of the last 18 months, Bella's modelling career has rocketed and she believes her huge success is down to her down-to-earth personality.

She said: "I think that always being nice is something that makes you stand out. Having a good personality."

However, modelling isn't something she initially wanted to get into as she always dreamed of making her mark in equestrian until her dreams were shattered in 2013 when she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease.