George Michael's former lover has been fined £800 for an "unprovoked and senseless" act of vandalism.

Fadi Fawaz

Fadi Fawaz

Fadi Fawaz smashed the window of a beauty salon on Fitzrovia, London, on 21 December last year - just days before the four-year anniversary of the 'Careless Whisper' singer's passing - and despite claiming in court he was attempting to clear the pavement and didn't mean to damage the window of Le Fix Natural Beauty, he pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay the cost of the damage he caused.

After sentencing was issued, senior prosecutor Krista Cronshaw said: "This was a totally unprovoked and senseless attack just before Christmas last year.

"Businesses are going through a difficult time because of the pandemic and incidents like this just add to the worry.

"I'm glad Fadi Fawaz pleaded guilty and hope it gives some peace of mind to the shop owner."

The hairdresser turned himself in to Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on 13 March 13 after a judge issued a warrant for his arrest after he failed to appear at four previous hearings.

The incident took place just a day after Fadi was "dragged out" of George's London home in Regent's Park, which had been empty since he was evicted by his late lover's family in 2019, after he allegedly smashed a window to gain access to the abode.

A source said at the time: “Fadi looked in a bad way, like he’d been living rough. He was very emotional.

“He somehow managed to get over the security fence before smashing one of the windows and going inside.

“When the police arrived they tried to reason with him but he just kept screaming that it was his place and George wanted him to have it.

“In the end, they dragged him out and sent him packing but I wonder how long it will be before he returns.

“This must be a very difficult and lonely time of the year for Fadi, with the anniversary of George’s death.

“He’s been his own worst enemy for years but it’s hard not to feel some sympathy for him.”

Fadi , who is said to have told police it was "his house" because George had "wanted [him] to have it", was not arrested, with officers explaining he complied with their request that he leave the area.

Fadi was previously arrested in July 2019 after causing extensive damage to the London abode after smashing windows, furniture, toilets, walls and ceilings with a sledgehammer.

After his arrest, George's family changed the locks on the house to force Fadi to leave after he'd snubbed their repeated requests to vacate the property.

The 'Praying for Time' singer - who died as a result of heart and liver disease - did not leave anything to his former lover in his will.

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