Since finishing third place in the nation’s favourite talent show, she has released a number of singles, come runner-up in Celebrity Big Brother, and is still performing - but on a different kind of stage.

Amelia wants more people to know about the flu jab and it's accessibility

Amelia wants more people to know about the flu jab and it's accessibility

Amelia Lily was an X-factor favourite in 2011 and her performing career has now broadened to pantomime.

“I’ve literally just finished touring with Shrek the Musical and that has been incredible. I’ve been on the road for about 6 months now and I’ve been playing an ogre, Princess Fiona, everyday so that’s been pretty challenging. Now that I’ve finished that I’m going straight into Panto in a week.”

Amelia’s next panto role will be in Snow White, which she will play the unicorn fairy at a venue in Lincoln.

She’s also been working on a campaign, encouraging people to get the flu jab.

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“I have type 1 diabetes - the reason why I decided to support this campaign was because people are so unaware of how important and serious it is if you don’t get the flu vaccination if you have it (diabetes).

“My diabetes makes me at risk of complications if I catch flu, which I was unaware of for a long time. Having flu can affect the glucose control in people with diabetes, and lead to hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia, which can have potentially serious consequences.

“It’s also really relevant for anyone that has asthma or a heart condition, so having a flu vaccination is also important for people that have one of these conditions.

“I think some people think having the flu is just like a cold but actually it can be a lot more serious, you can be bed bound and it can last for weeks. So my advice is do everything possible to help avoid catching the flu because it’s really not a nice thing to have.”

It’s common to see posters advertising the flu jab in GP surgeries, but not everybody knows how eligible they are for the vaccination. Amelia has had her jab this year, and has advice for others considering getting theirs.

“I have it every year and had mine yesterday. It’s offered free of charge on the NHS for me because I have diabetes. You’d be surprised that a lot people don’t know this.

“I had flu once when I was younger before getting the jab yearly. You’ve got to try and do these things to prevent it. People think it’s going to take so long when really it’s five minutes out of your day-  it’s so easy and simple.”

Even though Amelia’s hectic year is starting to settle down, she still has lots of forward-planning to do. After her next panto, she will finally get some down-time, which she says she is looking forward to.

“When I finish Panto in January I really want to go on holiday, I think me and my brother might go to New York because I haven’t really had much of a life with being on the road and playing a leading lady.

“I would love to go onto another musical next year and I’ve been to a few auditions recently. But at the minute I’m really looking forward to having some time off in the New Year where I can just have a bit of a break.”

Amelia Lily has teamed up with Sanofi Pasteur to encourage others with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma to get a free flu jab this winter. People with underlying chronic health conditions are eligible for free flu vaccination on the NHS due to being at increased risk of serious complications from flu. If you think you may be in an at-risk group for flu, please speak to your GP, nurse, or local pharmacist about flu vaccination. Former Olympian Roger Black, who has heart disease, and TV presenter Matt Johnson, who has asthma, are also supporting the campaign; they too are eligible for a free flu vaccination due to their underlying health conditions.

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