The enchanting tale of an extraordinary boy who brings a slice of magic to an ordinary town...

Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

Matthew Bourne’s magical dance production of Edward Scissorhands has carved a place in the hearts of audiences world-wide since its premiere in 2005.  

Based on the classic Tim Burton movie and featuring the hauntingly beautiful music of Danny Elfman and Terry Davies, Bourne and his New Adventures Company return to this witty, bittersweet story of an incomplete boy left alone in a strange new world. 

In a castle high on a hill lives Edward; a boy created by an eccentric inventor. When his creator dies he is left alone and unfinished with only scissors for hands until a kindly townswoman invites him to live with her suburban family. Can Edward find his place in the well-meaning community which struggles to see past his curious appearance to the innocence and gentleness within? 

Edward Scissorhands is playing at Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London for a Strictly Limited Run from 5 December 2023 until 20 January 2024. For more information and to book your tickets - from £15 - visit  


Prize provider Sadlers Wells Theatre

To be in with a chance to win this wonderful prize all you need to do is answer the following question then complete and submit the attached entry form.


Matthew Bourne’s magical dance production of Edward Scissorhands premiered in which year?

A. 2015

B.  2005

C. 2000

Terms and Conditions: One winner will receive a family ticket (four tickets, minimum one adult) valid for 5-15 December 2023 (excluding both Saturday performances and Sunday matinee), and 2-19 January 2024 (excluding weekend performances) at Sadler’s Wells, London. subject to availability. No cash alternative. Travel and accommodation not included.

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Closing Date : 30th November 2023

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