Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone is urging fans to join her in backing a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) campaign to stop the slaughter of baby seals in Canada.
The Clueless star is a staunch animal rights activist and she's outraged that officials in the country are continuing to allow the killing of the creatures.
She's asked her fans to help end the "disgusting spectacle" by writing to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to voice their disapproval of the slaughters.
In a post on her blog The Kind Life, she writes, "This year, the Canadian government continues to sanction the slaughter of baby harp seals. The killing has just begun, and PETA is working to draw attention to the issue and end it for good.
"The seal slaughter is a horribly cruel act that many Canadians and people all over the world want to end. US and European markets have already shut out seal fur, and leaders like His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President Barack Obama have spoken out against the slaughter of these innocent animals.
"Let's help PETA to end this disgusting spectacle! There are a few ways you can help: You can write to Canada's Prime Minister and his staff using PETA's email form letter... when you write, remember to speak from the heart!

"If you're able, you can make a financial donation. Let's do whatever we can to help these baby seals."

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