Teri Hatcher

Teri Hatcher

Teri Hatcher is helping to put an end to childhood hunger by teaming up with the Grains Food Foundation.

The Desperate Housewives star is asking fans to find their creative side by designing a piece of artwork on a digital piece of bread.

Hatcher appeared on U.S. talk show The View on Tuesday and said, "You can go to this website, BreadArtProject.com, and you can create a piece of toast. And for every person that creates a piece of toast Grains Food Foundation donates $1 to Share Our Strength, which is a charity dedicated to ending childhood hunger by 2015."

Hatcher has faith in the project and believes that the idea of putting your artwork onto digital bread is not just fun, but educating too.

She said, "One in four children still, in America, go hungry. It is outrageous. They are getting the message out that breads and grains are nutritious and full of fortifying minerals that people need, so it's a really great thing."

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